Mission Statement

To promote an appreciation of the performing arts in Newmarket and the surrounding areas by providing ‘community theatre’ in an accessible venue and to entertain, enlighten, and inform our audiences. Also, to provide volunteer opportunities, both on and off-stage, to community members that both educate and stimulate.

The objectives of the Newmarket Stage Company are to:
(a) Perform for and entertain the general public
(b) Allow community members the opportunity to participate both on or off stage
(c) Make available workshops and other development opportunities to the Membership
(d) Promote an appreciation of the performing arts in Newmarket and surrounding communities
(e) Give full and due consideration to local playwrights for the purpose of presenting them to an audience
(f) Collect funding by way of donation or otherwise, and accept gifts, legacies, devises and bequests on behalf of the Newmarket Stage Company